Make Informed Decisions

Tailored talent discovery
Custom search and filter tools to identify the perfect fit for your program's unique requirements and uncover hidden talent anywhere and evaluate faster than ever before.
All-in-one player profiles
Comprehensive player profiles that combine video, performance statistics, measurables, and questionnaire answers in a single, easy-to-navigate interface.
Personalized analytics
Utilize our next-gen analytics or customize your own advanced predictors to perform evaluations faster than ever.
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur. Tellus tristique ullamcorper leo gravida. Posuere non risus mi risus. Nisl a mi consectetur ante pellentesque viverra accumsan morbi quam. Interdum adipiscing eu eu eu enim integer habitasse nibh sed. Nunc elementum id in egestas varius vitae odio mi. Luctus tortor nec sit vitae et. Tortor lectus volutpat eget suspendisse lacus. Id est est odio sem nisl hendrerit."
Candice Wu
College Coach
"Reach further than our questionnaires allow us to… Don’t rely on players coming to us. We can recruit like a program twice our size"
Southwestern University

Stay on Top of Top Performances

Saved search lists
Curate a personalized list of players to watch and keep updates on so you never waste another second digging up outdated information.
Keep a close eye on the most outstanding performances across the country. You'll have real-time access to outstanding game performances and impressive physical metrics from top recruits.
Recruiting Pipeline
Have key metrics at your fingertips for efficient athlete evaluation. Guide recruits through your evaluation process, simplify scholarship decisions and enhance the overall efficiency of your recruitment efforts.
Rise Above the Competition